Turns out your mother was only partially right. Beauty does come from within, but it’s not necessarily skin deep. Beauty is a reflection of how well the body is functioning. A healthy lifestyle is a girl’s ultimate beauty treatment. Beauty and health are the classic win-win combination. Caring about how you look can mean a healthier, longer life, when it motivates you to exercise and eat right. Turns out the traits that are universally considered attractive are also indicators of good health, like a bright smile, shiny hair, a curvy waistline and glowing skin. If we’re are being honest, who doesn’t want to be beautiful? However, the pursuit of beauty can become ugly when beauty becomes the object instead of the result. Like with just about everything, instant gratification tactics rarely result in natural or lasting results. Think weird looking duck lips or the Twinkie diet. Rocking your skinny jeans maybe the motivator, but excellent health should be the goal. So, don’t let anyone tell you that wanting to look fabulous means you are shallow, self-absorbed, or a secret Kardashian. Being healthy takes a substantial investment in time and energy. Chances are they’re just lazy and you look fabulous. My favorite in-my-fantasies exercise Instagram is massy.arias. She is now 20 weeks pregnant and only getting more fierce. By: Linda Soloniuk, RN, MA
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